Thursday 27 October 2011

Week 5

The first task for this week was storing information in a list, when a player hits the object. When the owner touches the object, the object will tell the owner what’s stored in the list.

When a player or object has finished colliding with the script, the script will save information of the object that collided with the script in a list. When the owner touches the object, the list will display all the information it has got, one line at a time.

The second task was for an object to read a note card that contains vector positions. Once the positions points are read, the object will move to them every time some one touches the object.

The script makes use of states. States are good if you want to use the object in a different way once a certain criteria has been meet. 


I was testing out the llSetText function that lets you put hovering text above an objects. You also get to select what colour the text is, what could be useful for team games.

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